Our Founder Story

Let me start from the beginning...  I'm an entrepreneur.  Actually, I'm an engineer turned entrepreneur.  In 2007, I co-founded my first company...

My co-founder and I each put in $26,000 because that was all I had - and it came in the form of a loan so I technically didn't "have" it.  

But, we were off.  "We" being my co-founder and I, as we set off into our first ever bootstrapped business.

Here is what happened in the early days:

We got sued, we shared hotel rooms, we ran out of money, we looked for employment, we took a project in Mexico in Pesos (super risky), I borrowed a truck from my mother-in-law to have transportation, we borrowed money from the bank and they called our loan, we hired, fired, and learned a ton through that experience...

Then, in a few short years (year 5), we exited for a life changing 8-figure amount.  Entrepreneurship had changed my life.

But, then I jumped into several new ventures without knowing (or seeing) my blind spots...  

I took some "L's" (losses) and had some wins over the next decade, but the biggest WIN was that I just kept learning through all the experiences and people I met...

In late 2020, I started putting out daily thought leadership around my journey.   It wasn't always planned, it confused some people, I was "all over the place", but it was fun... and I was consistent.  

In late 2022, I posted a message about HOPE.  

Side Note:  Entrepreneurship is dang hard.  I would argue one of the hardest professions we can choose.  And most often, we are doing it ALONE without a PLAYBOOK and inside our own heads ALL THE TIME.

The next day, a gentleman named Jim called me and said he needed help. 

He had lost hope and had an investor meeting the next day.  He needed business growth and he needed it FAST.

I didn't have a "product" to help Jim, but I jumped right to help encourage, coach, and support him.  

We were probably a year into our relationship when I learned that Jim had suddenly passed away.  I don’t know what caused it, but I do know he had battled cancer years prior and experienced some dark mental places through entrepreneurship.

I think as entrepreneurs, founders, business owners, and leaders we've all been there.  


In March 2024, I launched a business to help fellow founders at the intersection of 

Entrepreneurship + Mental Health + Growth + Faith

BlackSmith Ventures is a community for Entrepreneurs, Founders, and Leaders looking to build, grow, and maybe exit alongside other founders.

Founders like ME.

Founders like YOU.

A baby was born from a need.  Welcome to CanGrow Solutions.  

Where will it go?  

I can't say for sure, but I once learned that if we can just help one person then they can go on to help one additional and that my friends is...  

Infinite Impact

So, what does The BlackSmith Founder Community do?

- At our core, we are a world-wide community of small peer-to-peer groups of 6-12 people that meet monthly to encourage, support, and grow together.

- To compliment the groups, we also offer an online virtual community to give members access to each other on a 24/7 basis so we never suffer alone...

- We bring in thought leaders, speakers, and host events to ensure the community is growing, thriving, and impactful. 

Let me be the first to welcome you to our community,

Copyright 2024

BlackSmith Ventures

Atlanta, Georgia

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